My PhD thesis defence

Sara Riggare, PhD (Photo by Helena Conning)

Video PhD thesis

Video PhD thesis

On this day 10 years ago…

Sara Riggare, PhD (Photo by Helena Conning)

On this day 10 years ago, March 28th 2012, I was registered as a PhD student at Karolinska Institutet. My research plan, which was going to guide my work over the following years, was titled “Personal observations as a tool for improvements in chronic disease”. Reading through that plan today, on the 10 year anniversary,…… Continue reading On this day 10 years ago…

Webinar: PMD Alliance: “Disrupting the System”

On April 23 2021 I participated in a webinar organised be PMD Alliance titled “Disrupting the System: How Patients are Changing Research & Healthcare wHolistic™”. The webinar was presented in this way: “I see my neurologist twice a year, about half an hour every time. That’s one hour per year in healthcare for my Parkinson’s disease. During…… Continue reading Webinar: PMD Alliance: “Disrupting the System”

Webinar: Chalmers Engineering Health

Presentation with Andreas Hellström: “Patient researchers and patient innovators – the missing link?” link to video (our presentation starts at 2hrs57mins)

PhD trajectory update

I figured that an update on my PhD trajectory was in order so here goes: My application to defend my PhD thesis, ready to be handed in. First a recap: I started my PhD studies at Karolinska Institutet (KI) in 2012 and in June 2018 I handed in my application to defend my PhD thesis…… Continue reading PhD trajectory update

For whose sake is research done – really?

I owe a lot to research. Thanks to an immense number of dedicated researchers, I have access to reasonably effective treatments for my Parkinson with (so far) manageable side effects. And of course we need more research, in all diseases and on all levels of health and healthcare. But, is the current process for how…… Continue reading For whose sake is research done – really?

Organising your own “health management system”

During the last few years, I have been thinking a lot about healthcare, which could be seen as strange, since I actually don’t use a lot of healthcare. If you’ve ever seen me present at a conference or watched a video of me, you have probably seen my “picture-with-all-the-dots”, so you know that I see…… Continue reading Organising your own “health management system”

Going from researching patients to patients researchers

In September I will be attending one of my favourite conferences for the third time: Stanford Medicine X! It is the most patient-inclusive conference I have ever come across and always full of people generously sharing their stories relating to medicine and health. This year I will participate in a panel discussion titled “Going from…… Continue reading Going from researching patients to patients researchers