PhD thesis print proof

PhD thesis print proof! Checking the print proof of my PhD thesis makes me very happy! Huge thanks to supervisors supreme Bas Bloem, Maria Hägglund, Martijn de Groot! I am looking forward to my thesis defence on 25 March 2022. Sign up for updates:

Tracking of COVID-19

Edit on 16 December 2020: I am now almost back to “normal” (whatever normal is when living with a progressive illness…). Looking forward to relaxing over the holidays. Tracking has probably never been more talked about than right now, during an ongoing global pandemic. Having an interest in self-tracking, I have of course followed the…… Continue reading Tracking of COVID-19

Ethics and PhD

Background A few days ago, I had some disappointing news. I have been working on my PhD in the area of digital selfcare and self-tracking in Parkinson’s disease since 2012, which is probably starting to be a bit too long. I was therefore very happy to be able to submit my application to defend my…… Continue reading Ethics and PhD

Neuroscience – theory and practice

I’m sure most of you have seen me write once or twice before that PD is a very complex disease, but it bears repeating: PD is a very complex disease! Let me explain to those of you lucky enough not to know first hand (or by proxy, like my husband and daughter do). If you’ve…… Continue reading Neuroscience – theory and practice

The Burden of Tracking

I have called myself a self-tracker since the first time I heard the word. The concept of using technology to collect data about myself and then analysing that data to better understand different aspects of myself and my surroundings has always resonated strongly with me, both as an engineer and as a researcher. My self-tracking…… Continue reading The Burden of Tracking

Lena increased her daily “feel-well-time” from three to ten hours

For the last year or so I’ve been working in a project funded by the Swedish government’s national strategy to treat and prevent chronic diseases. We call the project “Dagens patient” (“Patient daily” in English) and you can read about it here. “Dagens patient” is based on my work around self-monitoring my Parkinson’s and we…… Continue reading Lena increased her daily “feel-well-time” from three to ten hours

At Quantified Self, I forget I have Parkinson’s

If I could only attend one conference a year, I know exactly which one I would choose: Quantified Self Europe. I have a very special relationship with the Quantified Self Europe conference in Amsterdam. In fact, I actually wrote my first two posts on this blog during the first QS Europe conference in November 2011…… Continue reading At Quantified Self, I forget I have Parkinson’s

PD Bootcamp video

My week at the neurorehabilitation centre CNS in Portugal was fantastic and I can’t thank the physiotherapist Josefa and her colleagues enough for sharing their skills and encouragement. I also want to thank Jon for literally pushing me to accomplish more than I thought I could (see video below or link to video here at 1:25) and…… Continue reading PD Bootcamp video

Victory is mine!

On our 6th day at the centre for neurorehabilitation in Portugal, CNS, it was time for evaluation and reflection. How much can you actually achieve in just 5 days of training? We were about to find out… Josefa, the Portuguese physiotherapist who loves to complicate things (but only if it’s useful), put us on the…… Continue reading Victory is mine!