PD-Wii Fit Plus Challenge – day 2

Day 2 of my challenge and I realized that the registering of the results has to be altered slightly: I will register the Wii Fit Age and Centre of Gravity (COG) before and after the exercises I perform. The difference today was surprisingly large, check the table here. I would guess that the balance game…… Continue reading PD-Wii Fit Plus Challenge – day 2

My PD-Wii Fit Plus Challenge

Today I am starting a new project: My PD-Wii Fit Plus Challenge. The idea is to investigate if a few minutes on the Wii Balance Board in the morning can affect the impact PD (Parkinson’s Disease) has on my life. I will attempt to jump onto the balance board every morning and perform a body…… Continue reading My PD-Wii Fit Plus Challenge

Long time, no posting…

It’s been a number of very busy weeks… to say the least… I now feel like I am through the most hectic parts and look forward to a bit more breathing space. Having said that though, next week’s calendar looks as full as ever, but to quote a very dear friend: “all good stuff!”. I…… Continue reading Long time, no posting…

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Anniversary by Social Media and Health 2.0

One year ago today I met a man. We have so much in common, we share the same values, we have similar dreams, we have common goals. We met on Twitter, in fact, Twitter suggested me to follow him and his profile definitely caught my eye. I sent him the first email one year ago…… Continue reading Anniversary by Social Media and Health 2.0

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When a patient turns researcher

Thursday last I was invited to speak at the yearly conference for the association of Swedish physicians (http://www.sls.se/), a 3-day event with literally thousands of visitors: doctors, nurses, etc. I was invited to speak on the topic of patient participation and specifically “What happens when a patient turns researcher on their own disease?”. I told…… Continue reading When a patient turns researcher

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Sharing is contagious caring, second day at QS2011 Amsterdam

Getting close to the end of the second and last day of QS2011 Amsterdam and it has been truly inspirational, extremely intense and a fantastic experience! Today’s highlights from 1/3 of the Stockholm jury: The lunchtime ignite talks were AMAZING! Kees’ way of describing mirroring his twins’ QS experience, Jochen’s talk on how his 40 years-check-up…… Continue reading Sharing is contagious caring, second day at QS2011 Amsterdam

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First day of QS Europe 2011 in Amsterdam

My first ever day at an unconference and the impressions have been numerous. I love the idea of having the focus of the meeting on the breaks between the presentations, since everybody knows that the really sparking ideas are born over a cup of coffee and some strange looking local speciality (in this case I…… Continue reading First day of QS Europe 2011 in Amsterdam

Health 2.0 – “The patient joins the team”

Being a student of Health Informatics at the Karolinska Institute has introduced me to a number of interesting concepts. Already during our very first week in August of last year, we heard about “patient-centered healthcare”, “shared decision-making” and “patients as co-creators of health” and to a highly opinionated and severly inquisitive patient such as myself…… Continue reading Health 2.0 – “The patient joins the team”