“Doktorn i fickan” – Kropp & Själ i P1

Jag medverkade i P1:s hälsojournalistiska program Kropp & Själ, se beskrivning och länk nedan. Du kan kontrollera din sömn, mäta blodtryck och EKG eller ta reda på lunchens näringsvärde. De senaste åren har marknaden för hälsoappar i mobiltelefonen exploderat. Vad ska vi med den insamlade datan till? Och hur kan vården dra nytta av den…… Continue reading “Doktorn i fickan” – Kropp & Själ i P1

Going from researching patients to patients researchers

In September I will be attending one of my favourite conferences for the third time: Stanford Medicine X! It is the most patient-inclusive conference I have ever come across and always full of people generously sharing their stories relating to medicine and health. This year I will participate in a panel discussion titled “Going from…… Continue reading Going from researching patients to patients researchers

Lena increased her daily “feel-well-time” from three to ten hours

For the last year or so I’ve been working in a project funded by the Swedish government’s national strategy to treat and prevent chronic diseases. We call the project “Dagens patient” (“Patient daily” in English) and you can read about it here. “Dagens patient” is based on my work around self-monitoring my Parkinson’s and we…… Continue reading Lena increased her daily “feel-well-time” from three to ten hours

Tomorrow, 2nd June 2015, is my #Parkinsons1day!

Tomorrow on 2nd of June, I will be sharing my experiences with Parkinson’s with Gilles Frydman of Smart Patients and on Twitter so you can follow me if you like. I described this project in a post yesterday and I will start at 6 am my time, which is Central European Time, when I take my…… Continue reading Tomorrow, 2nd June 2015, is my #Parkinsons1day!


#Parkinsons1day is a project initiated by Roni Zeiger and Gilles Frydman of Smart Patients, an online community where patients and caregivers learn from each other about treatments, clinical trials, the latest science, and how it all fits into the context of their experience. The community started in cancer but is now also moving into other diseases…… Continue reading #Parkinsons1day

Artiklar om mig från sajten Sjukhusläkaren.se

I detta inlägg har jag samlat artiklar som jag medverkat i eller omnämns i på sajten Sjukhusläkaren.se. Min delning av länkarna betyder inte nödvändigtvis att jag delar de åsikter och bedömningar som presenteras i artiklarna. Från 18 februari 2015: https://www.sjukhuslakaren.se/quantified-self-en-trend-som-vaxer-explosionsartat/   Från 25 mars 2015: https://www.sjukhuslakaren.se/begrepp-som-patienten-i-centrum-ar-bara-larv/   https://www.sjukhuslakaren.se/myndigheten-vardanalys-tar-hjalp-av-patientrad/ Från 11 november 2014: https://www.sjukhuslakaren.se/det-behovs-manga-modeller-for-vardebaserad-vard/

Parkinson’s never takes a day off

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease, meaning that it gets worse as time goes by and there is no cure. If you think about it, life itself shares those characteristics, but there is one important difference. For us having Parkinson’s, the downhill slope is much steeper than for people without a neurodegenerative disease for company. The…… Continue reading Parkinson’s never takes a day off

Categorized as In English

“Liberté, égalité, santé!”

Life in 18th century France was probably far from easy, although less difficult for some. The aristocracy were living relatively comfortable lives, where the very small minority were enjoying privileges that the large masses could only dream of. In fact, they couldn’t even dream there was such privileges. And we all remember the allegedly immortal…… Continue reading “Liberté, égalité, santé!”

Categorized as In English

Changing the image of Parkinson’s disease – one blog at a time

The general image of Parkinson’s disease is probably an old man with hands that are shaking, walking slowly and shuffling. In fact, that was my image of Parkinson’s before I was diagnosed myself. And we all know that those kind of images are very difficult to change… or are they? A friend did an image…… Continue reading Changing the image of Parkinson’s disease – one blog at a time

Categorized as In English

At Quantified Self, I forget I have Parkinson’s

If I could only attend one conference a year, I know exactly which one I would choose: Quantified Self Europe. I have a very special relationship with the Quantified Self Europe conference in Amsterdam. In fact, I actually wrote my first two posts on this blog during the first QS Europe conference in November 2011…… Continue reading At Quantified Self, I forget I have Parkinson’s