Rapporter om spetspatienter

Rapporten “Spetspatienter – en ny resurs för hälsa” kan laddas ner här: Bok_DP_150x225_Web-2Download Rapporten “Spetspatienter – en ny resurs för systemförbättring” kan laddas ner här: Rapport_spetspatienter_del2Download

Categorized as Böcker

Podcast: Never Delegate Understanding

Podcast hosted by Dr. Harlan Krumholz, cardiologist and researcher at Yale school of medicine. The series talks about ways that people can be more active in making health decisions and navigating the healthcare system. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0cb9bBLFc1k3O4dhpDW9Pw?si=Yr1aKAQNShCnw7OrG7dnGA

“But Sara…”

“But Sara, why would patients want to do research on themselves anyway? Isn’t it better if you all just give your data to a proper researcher?” I think that those who know me will agree that I am not often lost for words. However, when the question above was posed to me, I can definitely…… Continue reading “But Sara…”

Some key aspects of patient-centered research

It is a truth universally acknowledged that many patients no longer settle for contributing to medical research only as participants in research studies. Over the last decade or so, patients have increasingly made their voices heard in all nooks and crannies of the research process. Some of my favourite examples include: Tom Isaacs, who was…… Continue reading Some key aspects of patient-centered research

PatientsLikeMe och kampen om patienters hälsodata

Amerikanska PatientsLikeMe (PLM) är, enligt dem själva, världens största personliga hälsonätverk/ webbsajt. På deras sajt finns över 650 000 medlemmar som själva rapporterar in hälsodata om mer än 2 900 olika sjukdomar och/eller tillstånd. Sajten, liksom företaget med samma namn, föddes när Stephen Heywood, en amerikansk självlärd arkitekt, år 1998 vid 29 års ålder fick…… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe och kampen om patienters hälsodata

Ziek. De Podcast

I was a guest in two episodes of the Dutch podcast Ziek, hosted by Tamar Doorduin. I’m very glad that I was allowed to speak English and didn’t have to learn Dutch. Episode 6 – Sara Riggare: developing Parkinson’s as a teen (ENGLISH) Link to website. In this two-episode series we follow Swedish patient advocate Sara…… Continue reading Ziek. De Podcast

What is a ‘spetspatient’?

Rapporten "Spetspatienter - en ny resurs för hälsa"

My non-Swedish speaking friends may have been wondering what I have been up to lately. And it’s a fair question, since I haven’t been blogging much in English for a while. For the last two years or so, I have been leading a project aiming to change the perception of patients, both among healthcare professionals…… Continue reading What is a ‘spetspatient’?

Spetspodden på Vitalis 2019

Under Vitaliskonferensen om ehälsa i Göteborg 2019 lanserade vi Spetspodden – en podcast av, med och om spetspatienter. Här finns länkar till de första avsnitten. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5Sz4Xuw8lSstmvvA2LY8jN?si=0BnqBArATryFyU8W5t3aIg https://open.spotify.com/episode/6BNESQ3oeQJHiSGoIrDSYx?si=_53IGJiWSFuCe92Hhvs7NQ https://open.spotify.com/episode/2lNAvgScXKI2UOCoaA2mqo?si=2-BgcpqKQtGIteUvOuZCvg https://open.spotify.com/episode/3iOUoS2vQgcKvF7PcxsVDL?si=WrInFGlDQN6TQv4MT6hXGQ https://open.spotify.com/episode/3BvGtgkI3JY1xHCfLXrKjj?si=Mhxfmm1jSwSme-RuX2eYTw https://open.spotify.com/episode/0a81A1J8nRaUNzpPFfUpbI?si=d_SofaUnSye4dPNEWeub-A https://open.spotify.com/episode/6WtZ39wAQCCrADHFpRiXTC?si=3iX4z00gRza6vXjDQCBjKg

Podcast: When Life Gives You Parkinson’s

Podcast hosted by Larry Gifford. There is a magazine called Fokus. It’s like Sweden’s Time Magazine. Fokus’ 2018 Swede of the year in medicine was Sara Riggare. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2003. 18-years after her first symptoms first appeared. Riggare, co-chair of the Patients Advocate Committee for WPC2019, is self-described as a Parkinson’s “im”-patient. A chemical…… Continue reading Podcast: When Life Gives You Parkinson’s