On April 23 2021 I participated in a webinar organised be PMD Alliance titled “Disrupting the System: How Patients are Changing Research & Healthcare wHolistic™”. The webinar was presented in this way: “I see my neurologist twice a year, about half an hour every time. That’s one hour per year in healthcare for my Parkinson’s disease. During…… Continue reading Webinar: PMD Alliance: “Disrupting the System”
Author: SaraRiggare
Webinar: Chalmers Engineering Health
Presentation with Andreas Hellström: “Patient researchers and patient innovators – the missing link?” https://youtu.be/y_uFmyCqqcE?t=10636 link to video (our presentation starts at 2hrs57mins)
Bok: “Tillsammans – för en god och nära vård”
Redaktörer: Bodil Jönsson, Hans-Inge Persson. Författare: Jeanette Andersson, Ralph Harlid, Ami Hommel, Britta Hornmark Stenstam, Magnus Isacsson, Martina Jarnström, Lisbeth Löpare Johansson, Anna Nergårdh, Sara Riggare, Åke Åkesson. Boken kan användas som ett diskussionsunderlag för såväl patienter som vårdprofessionen – den vill beröra, störa och inspirera till samtal där alla är inbjudna Boken kan beställas hos nätbokhandlar…… Continue reading Bok: “Tillsammans – för en god och nära vård”
I samtal med Bodil Jönsson
I detta poddavsnitt lett av Jonas Fagerson pratar Bodil Jönsson om den bok vi båda medverkar i: Tillsammans för en god och nära vård. Läs även här och här. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2dGvTsQjMfn6LztFLUCFcY?si=FrfGBkJkQgKwMRP8kGxG2A
Draft version of the “spetspatient” framework
Authors: Sara Riggare, Therese Scott Duncan, Maria Hägglund. Introduction In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, ‘advocacy’ is defined as: “the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal”. The same source defines ‘activism’ as: “a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue”.…… Continue reading Draft version of the “spetspatient” framework
Tracking of COVID-19
Edit on 16 December 2020: I am now almost back to “normal” (whatever normal is when living with a progressive illness…). Looking forward to relaxing over the holidays. Tracking has probably never been more talked about than right now, during an ongoing global pandemic. Having an interest in self-tracking, I have of course followed the…… Continue reading Tracking of COVID-19
Medverkan i podden: “Runt hörnet”
https://open.spotify.com/episode/1zAMsijHY4kVdR2VKCwiaP?si=Cwq_Fbk0Rr6HVq6B0AOHBQ https://open.spotify.com/episode/4HWiCCDQngX7SzAfsPF5x8?si=TtBo6wtxRESvtpf71HcsLA
Medverkan i podd om Alzheimer
Jag gästade Henrik Frenkels podd. Läs mer här. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2yqpvJRCKvgq4wtBwJiE68?si=NNWi-fwXQpGPk36SrhKpig
PhD trajectory update
I figured that an update on my PhD trajectory was in order so here goes: My application to defend my PhD thesis, ready to be handed in. First a recap: I started my PhD studies at Karolinska Institutet (KI) in 2012 and in June 2018 I handed in my application to defend my PhD thesis…… Continue reading PhD trajectory update
Personal science conversations