Parkinson går att leva med | Hälsa | Expressen
Author: SaraRiggare
The joy of serendipity
Have you heard the story of the Three Princes of Serendip? Serendip is Persian name for Sri Lanka and the story is alledgedly based on the life of the Persian King Bahram V, who ruled the Sassanid Empire (420-440), according to Wikipedia, our time’s equivalent to the Oracle of Delphi. Anyway, the princes of the…… Continue reading The joy of serendipity
Christmas in Sweden
Today is the 24th of December and in Sweden this is the day we celebrate Christmas. I know, I know… we are not normal… but this way it’s over and done with before we suffer too much. Don’t get me wrong, I like Christmas…. no, that’s not entirely true, I have mixed emotions about it.…… Continue reading Christmas in Sweden
Me and PD revisited
When I was first given my Parkinson’s diagnosis, my world shattered… Our daughter was 9 months old and trying to learn how to walk. Was I to stop walking when she started? How much longer would I be able to work? How long before I was going to be completely dependant on others? Would my…… Continue reading Me and PD revisited
HP goes PD?
As someone who has loved the stories about the underdog wizard from the first time I heard of him, I am of course absolutely thrilled that the film “Harry Potter and the deathly hallows” recently premiered. Although I must confess that I haven’t seen all the films, I have however read all the books, more…… Continue reading HP goes PD?
Glasgow, city of hope and determination (WPC2010)
By first glance, Glasgow might seem like just another city anywhere in the world, with its downtown glass-clad buildings and shopping area. By the way, how come the Swedish clothes brand that used to be considered really low quality and that no-one in my first grade class would be caught dead in is all over…… Continue reading Glasgow, city of hope and determination (WPC2010)
Travelling to WPC 2010
My journey to the World Parkinson’s Congress in Glasgow could definitely have had a better start. I was travelling with my PD mates: Annika and Lars and we had done the sensible thing when catching a ridiculously early flight: we stayed the night at the airport. How I wished that I also had been sensible…… Continue reading Travelling to WPC 2010
Meeting others with PD
I know a lot of people with Parkinson’s when newly diagnosed (and also later) don’t want to meet others with PD. I know that they are afraid of seeing their own future; horrific symptoms that they think they get themselves down the line. I know this because I’ve been there; I was newly diagnosed once.…… Continue reading Meeting others with PD
New symptom or not?
I consider myself very lucky for a lot of reasons. To name them all would take up more space than I have been given, so I will limit myself to my PD-related luck this time. I am sure that there are people that would probably argue that experiencing the first symptoms of PD in my…… Continue reading New symptom or not?
“Is Parkinson’s contagious?”
The apple of my eye is a 4 ft tall, 45 lbs creature with brown-green eyes and blonde hair, a very strong will and views of her own (I really can’t understand where she got those, I still have mine left…). Her name is Frida, she turned 7 last January and she’s my biggest fan…… Continue reading “Is Parkinson’s contagious?”