Glasgow, city of hope and determination (WPC2010)

 By first glance, Glasgow might seem like just another city anywhere in the world, with its downtown glass-clad buildings and shopping area. By the way, how come the Swedish clothes brand that used to be considered really low quality and that no-one in my first grade class would be caught dead in is all over…… Continue reading Glasgow, city of hope and determination (WPC2010)

Travelling to WPC 2010

My journey to the World Parkinson’s Congress in Glasgow could definitely have had a better start. I was travelling with my PD mates: Annika and Lars and we had done the sensible thing when catching a ridiculously early flight: we stayed the night at the airport. How I wished that I also had been sensible…… Continue reading Travelling to WPC 2010

Meeting others with PD

I know a lot of people with Parkinson’s when newly diagnosed (and also later) don’t want to meet others with PD. I know that they are afraid of seeing their own future; horrific symptoms that they think they get themselves down the line. I know this because I’ve been there; I was newly diagnosed once.…… Continue reading Meeting others with PD

New symptom or not?

I consider myself very lucky for a lot of reasons. To name them all would take up more space than I have been given, so I will limit myself to my PD-related luck this time. I am sure that there are people that would probably argue that experiencing the first symptoms of PD in my…… Continue reading New symptom or not?

“Is Parkinson’s contagious?”

The apple of my eye is a 4 ft tall, 45 lbs creature with brown-green eyes and blonde hair, a very strong will and views of her own (I really can’t understand where she got those, I still have mine left…). Her name is Frida, she turned 7 last January and she’s my biggest fan…… Continue reading “Is Parkinson’s contagious?”

Optimistic realist with Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s is an incurable chronic neurodegenerative disease. None of these words is even remotely hopeful or positive. The good news is it won’t kill you, but then again, not even Michael Jackson turned out to be able to live forever, so I guess the odds are against all of us on that point as well.…… Continue reading Optimistic realist with Parkinson’s

On a tightrope – Life is a balance!

When I was 13 or 14 years old I realised that my body wouldn’t always do what I asked of it. I’m not sure what I noticed first. Was it that sometimes when I was riding my bicycle I had a very hard time keeping my balance? Was it the way my right shoe was…… Continue reading On a tightrope – Life is a balance!