Thank you Zalamanda and Marten, for your comments on my previous post. Of course, I agree with both of you, two days is far too short a time to expect any kind of significant results. Nevertheless, I did observe some potentially interesting findings in these two days. The first graph shows the measurements i did on my very…… Continue reading Very preliminary analysis after two days on new dose
Author: SaraRiggare
Results after two days on my new dose
I have compiled the measurements during these last two days, see below. Compared with my base line measurements, they look very random and I will attempt some sort of analysis tomorrow.
New dose day 2
The first day on the tweaked dose went OK, no fantastic change, but I didn’t expect that either. Let me try explaining in some more detail, how the different Parkinson’s medication works. Remember the different types of Parkinson’s medication I mentioned yesterday? Let’s call the levo-dopa based medication type A. Further, let’s call the kind…… Continue reading New dose day 2
New dose day 1
These last few days have made me even more aware of how extremely dependent I am of my medications, and if you’re reading this and have Parkinson’s yourself, this is probably very much old news. For people who have not experienced this, I completely understand that this is difficult to understand. Let me quote an…… Continue reading New dose day 1
I need a change, I really need a change
I have found myself really struggling for quite some time now. Struggling to move smoothly, struggling to stay positive, struggling to keep going. And I have realised that it is time to change things. I need to increase my medication. Of course it is a sign that my Parkinson is progressing and of course that insight…… Continue reading I need a change, I really need a change
“Is Parkinson’s Contagious?”
Another recycled blog post, this one was originally written in May 2010. The apple of my eye is a 4 ft tall, 45 lbs creature with brown-green eyes and blonde hair, a very strong will and views of her own (I really can’t understand where she got those, I still have mine left…). Her name…… Continue reading “Is Parkinson’s Contagious?”
On a Tightrope – Life is a Balance!
This is the very first blog post I wrote in English, first published in April-May 2010. When I was 13 or 14 years old I realised that my body wouldn’t always do what I asked of it. I’m not sure what I noticed first: Was it that sometimes when I was riding my bicycle I…… Continue reading On a Tightrope – Life is a Balance!
“Sara fick diagnosen Parkinsons sjukdom” – från Mama 2012-03-21 Sara fick diagnosen Parkinsons sjukdom – Mama Sara fick diagnosen Parkinsons sjukdom – Mama_2 Sara fick diagnosen Parkinsons sjukdom – Mama_3
PD Quantified Challenge – end of day 3
Results from my first day of evaluating myself can be found in the graph below and the next one shows my control (a.k.a. hubby). I found the patterns over time, especially in the finger tapping fascinating. If the results from the first day are anything to go by, the dose-response curve of my medication is…… Continue reading PD Quantified Challenge – end of day 3
The PD challenge, day 3 – add an app or two
Hmmm… I have realized that the Wii balance exercise/monitoring doesn’t give me quite the information I need relating to fine movements and the Nintendo Wii is also difficult to bring to work. So, I have decided to add some new tests: I found two apps on the app store that looks promising: FastFingers (a tapping…… Continue reading The PD challenge, day 3 – add an app or two