Jag hade glädjen och äran att medverka vid SKLs 7e Patientsäkerhetskonferens på Stockholmsmässan i tisdags. Det var väldigt trevligt att få stå på den runda scenen under moderator Katarina Hultlings skickliga ledning och ett privilegium att få tala efter professor Diana Delnoij från Tillburg University och sektionsledare Britt-Mari Banck och patient Thommy Edberg från dialyspaviljongen…… Continue reading 7e Patientsäkerhetskonferensen 29 januari 2013
Author: SaraRiggare
Quantifying freezing-of-gait
These are my feet, they have been with me for 42 years soon and they mostly serve me well. However, recently I have noticed an increasing tendency to get freezing-of-gait, an annoying effect of my “flavor” of Parkinson’s disease. For some more information on what freezing-of-gait, watch this film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaY3gz5tJSk. Although the case in the film…… Continue reading Quantifying freezing-of-gait
Health IT and security issues
For someone who has actually studied health informatics, I don’t blog as much about health IT as I probably should… Well, it’s never too late to change they say… A friend pointed me in the direction of an excellent blog post by e-patient Dave, a patient advocate I truly respect and admire for his ceaseless…… Continue reading Health IT and security issues
Perception part 2
Perception is a strange thing. After my diagnosis of generalized dystonia on the 6th of November 1989, I tried as best I could to not be different to anyone else, to not acknowledge the disease that the neurologist had told me that I had. This proved quite a challenge, since I moved slowly at times, and…… Continue reading Perception part 2
Perception part 1
When a person is diagnosed with a serious disease, something happens. Maybe not instantly, but most often the words “You have X”, where “X” can range from diabetes over cancer to ALS, triggers a reaction leading to a reevaluation of your life as you knew it. I saw a neurologist for the first time in…… Continue reading Perception part 1
Healthcare vs Selfcare
I am a doctoral student at a medical university, but I am also a patient. What does the concept “patient” really mean? When is a person a “patient” and when is he/she something else? The word “patient” is derived from the Latin word “patiens” and the original meaning is “one who suffers”. In the current version,…… Continue reading Healthcare vs Selfcare
“Vården flyttar ut på nätet” – från Metro 2012-10-16
http://www.metro.se/metrojobb/varden-flyttar-ut-pa-natet/EVHljp!blOBJZ7EarRj6/ Vården flyttar ut på nätet – Metro
Free on-line consultation with a Parkinson’s specialist
A few weeks ago, I was introduced to Ray Dorsey (photo) via an email. Ray is an MD and associate Professor of Neurology and the director of Movement Disorders Division and Neurology Telemedicine at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore and he is involved with a very interesting project. He is offering free one-time consultations for…… Continue reading Free on-line consultation with a Parkinson’s specialist
My mission is NOT to improve healthcare…
My mission is not to improve healthcare… no, it’s not a typo… keep reading… And now that I have your attention, I will start over: My mission is not to improve healthcare, however if I succeed in my mission, healthcare will be improved in the process. In my experience, a period of frustration and hardship…… Continue reading My mission is NOT to improve healthcare…
Balancing or not?
I find it very difficult to find the right balance. The problem is of course, that balance is key. If we didn’t have balance, what would we have? There are so many different kinds of balance: there is a balanced diet, life-work balance, balancing your accounts, etc. Compared to English, the Swedish language does not…… Continue reading Balancing or not?