I share my birthday with someone very famous, I would say that almost everybody in the world know his name. At least we all know his work or rather, the result of his work. Nicolaus Copernicus was born 498 years ahead of me, to the day, and of course his work fundamentally changed the way…… Continue reading We need a “Copernican Revolution” in healthcare!
Author: SaraRiggare
“Patients included” for REAL!!!
This is a fantastic campaign on Medstartr by “The Joan of Arc of e-patients” Casey Quinlan! Casey and the rest of the gang at Patients for Clinical Research want to collect a “War chest” where patients who want to go to medical conferences can apply for funding. I LOVE AND SUPPORT THIS IDEA! What about you? [dciframe]http://www.medstartr.com/projects/374-patients-for-clinical-research-drive-patients-included/video_embed,400,400,0,auto,border:2px…… Continue reading “Patients included” for REAL!!!
Quantified Self Europe 2014
This week I am in Amsterdam for the third Quantified Self Europe conference. I am really looking forward to seeing everybody again and be part of the amazing discussions that will happen. The program can be found here: http://quantifiedself.com/2014/05/2014-qs-europe-conference/ A video of my presentation: “How not to fall” can be found here: https://vimeo.com/101714345
“The Patient Perspective” from The Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 20th March 2014
This is an article written by Jon Palfreman for The Journal of Parkinson’s disease, published on 20th March 2014. It is published here with the permission of the author. The original article can be found at: http://www.journalofparkinsonsdisease.com/JPD/The_Patient_Perspective.html. In October 1984, a thirteen-year-old girl called Sara sat in a small village hall in northern Sweden enjoying a…… Continue reading “The Patient Perspective” from The Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 20th March 2014
Nya Karolinska Sjukhuset: var är patienterna????
Det här med patientmedverkan är inte lätt, det vet jag. Jag har skrivit flera bloggar tidigare på det temat, t ex här, här och här. Jag är väl medveten om att det inte är lätt, det är ju därför ingen har lyckats ännu. Det var därför glädjande att se att Nya Karolinska Sjukhuset (NKS) ordnar…… Continue reading Nya Karolinska Sjukhuset: var är patienterna????
Var är patienterna???????
Nu på lördag, den 1/2 2014, anordnas ett seminarium i Stockholm om hur vården kan förbättras och vad som hänt sedan Maciej Zarembas artikelserie “Patientens pris” i DN och jag tycker att det är ett utmärkt initiativ. Se program här: http://www.ifl.se/ledande-fragor/. Seminariets program är proppfullt av läkare, forskare, politiker och andra. Men…. Var är patienterna?…… Continue reading Var är patienterna???????
My take on patient participation
In september 2013 I wrote a blog in Swedish fuelled by my frustration over the current situation regarding patient participation. I gave it the title “Enough is enough” (although in Swedish obviously). The blog seemed to resonate with a lot of people so I followed up with a blog with my suggestion as to a…… Continue reading My take on patient participation
Goal setting in the time of neurodegeneration
The end of another year is approaching – always a good time for reflections, evaluations and decisions… or…? I have never made any New Year’s resolutions and I have only recently started setting goals for myself. I remember a discussion I had with my younger brother on a summer’s night probably around 20 years ago.…… Continue reading Goal setting in the time of neurodegeneration
Travels with Parky
This is an article I wrote for “On The Move”, the magazine of Parkinson’s Movement on my experiences when travelling to the World Parkinson Congress in Montreal earlier this year. In the magazine, the article had to be slightly edited to fit the space available, but this is the “uncut” version 🙂 . When…… Continue reading Travels with Parky
Medverkan i Hultling & Röör i P4
Jag medverkade i “Hultling & Röör i P4” den 16 november 2013, se information och länk nedan. Katarina Hultling: – Jag kan gärna gå in på en webbsida för att läsa om sjukdom och vård, men jag vill inte vara min egen sjukvårdspersonal Den här lördagen samtalar Katarina med sina gäster om vården, patienterna och…… Continue reading Medverkan i Hultling & Röör i P4