- 2021
- April 23: Webinar: PMD Alliance: Disrupting the System: How Patients are Changing Research & Healthcare wHolistic™ (in English)
- “I see my neurologist twice a year, about half an hour every time. That’s one hour per year in healthcare for my Parkinson’s disease. During the same year I spend 8,765 hours in selfcare, applying my knowledge and experience together with what I get from my neurologist to manage a difficult condition as best I can, ” says Sara Riggare, who describes herself as a mother, engineer, PhD student, and optimistic realist living with Parkinson’s. Sara is passionate about empowering people with PD to take charge of their treatment and take ownership of the disease. Join us for a discussion co-hosted by neurologist Indu Subramanian, MD and author and PD advocate Ben Stecher, to learn what Sara is doing to disrupt healthcare and research models towards a more patient-centered approach.
- link to video.
- April 15: Webinar: Chalmers Engineering Health: (in English)
- Presentation with Andreas Hellström: “Patient researchers and patient innovators – the missing link?”
- link to video (our presentation starts at 2hrs57mins)
- April XXX Book release discussion (in Swedish)
- April 23: Webinar: PMD Alliance: Disrupting the System: How Patients are Changing Research & Healthcare wHolistic™ (in English)

- 2019
- Januari: Awards: Jag utsågs till Årets medicinsvensk 2018. I was named Swede of the year in medicine 2018. (in Swedish and English)
link to more information - Februari: Podcast: Medverkan i Neuropodden (in Swedish)
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- Januari: Awards: Jag utsågs till Årets medicinsvensk 2018. I was named Swede of the year in medicine 2018. (in Swedish and English)
- 2018
- April: Podcast: Medverkan i Kropp & själ i P1 “Jag vet mer än min doktor” (in Swedish)
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- April: Podcast: Medverkan i Kropp & själ i P1 “Jag vet mer än min doktor” (in Swedish)
- 2017
- November:
- Participated in Salzburg Global Seminar session 585: Sciana network , gave a presentation on “The New World of Data – Empowering the Patient”
- Magazine article: “Sara Riggare tar matchen mot Parkinson”, publicerad i Modern Psykologi (in Swedish)
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- September: Podcast: Omnämnd i Spanarna i P1:
länk till mer information - March: Participated in Salzburg Global Seminar session “Toward a Shared Culture of Health: Enriching and Charting the Patient-Clinician Relationship”, see article here: Sara Riggare – “Even Without Being Actively Supported by Health Care, Patients Can Do a Lot for Themselves”
- January: Article: Debate in Parkinson’s Life with Tom Isaacs and Jon Stamford: “Are we too focused on the search for a Parkinson’s cure?”
- November:
- 2016
- November: Podcast: Medverkade i Vårdmaktpoddens premiäravsnitt (in Swedish)
- May: Presentation in Oslo together with Jon Stamford: ““Parkinson’s Disease – a glimpse of the past, a look at the present and a vision of the future”. video here
- 2015
- December: Article:
Personal View published in BMJ: “Patients organise and train doctors to provide better care”
- December: Article:
- Gästkrönikör i Vetenskapsrådets nättidning Curie: “Kan patienter vara forskare?” (in Swedish)
- November: Medverkande i podcasten Förändringspodden (in Swedish).
- September: Participated at Stanford Medicine X Ed and Stanford Medicine X:
- Workshop titled: “Design Thinking for Chronic Condition Patient Engagement”, together with Dennis Boyle, IDEO, and Ann Lindsay and Alan Glaseroff, Stanford Coordinated Care.
- Workshop titled: “Is Sweden Creating an IKEA for Health”. Article in English here and Swedish here.
- Panel discussion with Susannah Fox, Michael Seres and Eli Pollard titled: “Going from Researching Patients to Patients’ Researchers”.
- August
- Podcast: Medverkande i “Kropp och själ” i Sveriges Radio P1: “Doktorn i fickan” (in Swedish).
- July
- Interviewed in an article in New Scientist: “Health-hackers: The people building apps to manage their illness”
- Medverkade i ett antal seminarier under Almedalsveckan
- Dagens Medicins Vårdtorg: “Sjukvårdens nya uppdrag: att möta framtidens patient”, klicka på länken och välj filmen från 1 juli.
- June
- Doctoral studies half-time review
- Reportage tillsammans med Ulrika Sandén i Dagens Nyheter (in Swedish):
- March
- Participated in Salzburg Global Seminars Session 548: “The Promise of Data: Will this Bring a Revolution in Healthcare?”
- February
- Presented at the Nuffield Trust Health Policy Summit: “Patient involvement – What is it good for?”
- My presentation: https://vimeo.com/121026802
- Presentation by professor Bas Bloem, Radboud UMC, NL: https://vimeo.com/121026419
- Discussion chaired in an excellent way by Jeremy Taylor of Patient Voices: https://vimeo.com/121026803
- I was mentioned as the most influential person in Swedish medtech by Medtech Magazine (in Swedish)
- Guest blogger on The Guardian’s Healthcare Network: “Having Parkinson’s since I was 13 has made me an expert in selfcare”
- Presented at the Nuffield Trust Health Policy Summit: “Patient involvement – What is it good for?”
- January
- Participated in the BMJ roundtable debate: “How can we get better at providing patient centred care?” BMJ. Link to podcast here.
- September: Participated at Stanford Medicine X Ed and Stanford Medicine X:
- 2014
- 1-3 Oct: The 17th European Health Forum Gastein, where I spoke on “Patient leadership, empowerment and technological innovation” in a session on Public Health Leadership. See my presentation on SlideShare here.
- 5 Sept: Stanford Medicine X, where I participated in a panel on: “Patient with Chronic Illness – The New Self-Tracker?”. Video will be posted later.
- 25 June: EHMA (European Health Management Association) Annual Conference in Birmingham, UK: “Leadership in Healthcare: from bedside to board”. I spoke in a plenary session titled “Patient Involvement, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, chaired by Prof. Naomi Chambers, Professor of Healthcare Management, Manchester Business School, UK.
Yes, I did open with the theme from the film 🙂 and a pdf of my presentation can be found here. - 9-11 May: Attended my favourite conference: Quantified Self Europe in Amsterdam, where I gave a Show&Tell on “How not to fall” and hosted a breakout session on “Self-tracking of neurological diseases”.
- 2013
- 27 Sept: I was part of a panel at Stanford Medicine X on “The self-tracking e-patient”, see videos on my talk, an interview by Joyce Ho and the panel discussion here.
- 25 Sept: Spoke at the Quantified Self Bay Area group meet up, see video here.
- May: Quantified Self Europe Amsterdam, where I gave an ignite talk together with Caspar Addyman on “Tracking Parkinson’s”
- 2012
- Juli: Vinnvårds seminarium i Almedalen 2012: “Not patient but im-patient” (in Swedish)
länk till video
- Juli: Vinnvårds seminarium i Almedalen 2012: “Not patient but im-patient” (in Swedish)
- 2011
- March: Workshop with Ronnie Gardiner in March 2011 (in English)
Produced, filmed and directed by Anders M. Leines
link to video
- March: Workshop with Ronnie Gardiner in March 2011 (in English)