On this day 10 years ago, March 28th 2012, I was registered as a PhD student at Karolinska Institutet. My research plan, which was going to guide my work over the following years, was titled “Personal observations as a tool for improvements in chronic disease“. Reading through that plan today, on the 10 year anniversary, I am genuinely surprised at how close to that plan I have stayed over all this time (see excerpts below).

Today I am also thinking back to last Friday, March 25th 2022, when I successfully defended my PhD thesis at Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. My thesis is titled “Personal science in Parkinson’s disease: a patient-led research study“, and it can be downloaded here: My PhD thesis is now available! The defence ceremony was live-streamed and I will post a recording of it soon.
Last Friday gave me memories for life and I am still processing everything that happened. I am eternally grateful to all the amazing people that have been part of my PhD journey during this decade and a very special thank you goes to my wonderful supervisors: Bas Bloem, Maria Hägglund, and Martijn de Groot! And to Eli Pollard, who captured the event below as a Live Photo (which I was able to turn into a video). Eli, Per is forever envious of you for taking the best photo of that day! 🙂
Congratulations, Sara!